Trestleboard January 2023

Chartered January 17th, 1924 A.D., 6924 A.L.

Greetings from the East,

My Brothers,

One Last Time…

Firstly, I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year. I hope that 2023 is your best year, yet! I also hope you had a wonderful Holiday season, and that you were surrounded by your loved ones. As I’ve becomes older, I’ve realized that WHO is around the Christmas tree is more important than WHAT is underneath it.

I was honored and humbled to serve you as Worshipful Master, the most humbling part was your unwavering support when I was going through some hard times, which required me to take a very painful and unexpected leave of absence. I believe the words of our Brother, W. George Washington are particularly relevant: “[t]hough, in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors.” In my case, I am certain of error, although it was not intentional.

Our Lodge has a bright future. Our biggest asset, is YOU. So, please join us in 2023, and support our incoming Worshipful Master, Andy Jules, and all elected and appointed officers. I am very thankful to have been appointed as Marshall for next year, and I certainly intend on staying active, following the good example of many of our Past Masters, whose input, expertise, and support have been, and continue to be, invaluable.

I was lucky enough to have been initiated along our incoming Worshipful Master, and I am certainly proud of all he has achieved, but I am even more very excited of all that he WILL achieve in 2023. He’s one of our best, and will leave our Lodge better than he found it!

Thank you for all of your support, see you in 2023!


∴ H. Xavier Carrera
Worshipful Master
Eola # 207 F.&A.M.

Greetings from the West,


Greetings from the West traveling East,

Welcome to Eola Lodge No. 207 F.&A.M. I am proud to go from the West and travel East. In other words, I am honored to be elected and installed as Worshipful Master for the year 2023. We are focused on community outreach, charity, and leaving the world in a better condition than that which we found it. First, praises be to God for allowing us to meet as a family. To the Brothers, I thank you for your continued leadership in our respective communities and look forward to the work that we have yet to accomplish. To our families, without whose support we would not have the wherewithal to do the work, thank you. To those who are not a part of the fraternity, (yet), we are here for you and want to know how you would like us to make the world a better place.

Please pay close attention to the Introduction to Freemasonry. It will give you a glimpse into the work that we do and the goals that we set out to accomplish. If you are a Brother of this Fraternity, it will remind you of our mission. We are here to improve the world and ourselves in Masonry. Always remember how we meet, act, and part.

With brotherly love and affection,

Andy Jules
Senior Warden
Worshipful Master Elect

Greetings from the South,



The year 2022 was one of many challenges that helped us shaped our minds and get closer to the perfect ashlar. The good comes with the bad and viceversa. Remember that we are not alone in this fraternity and with just one call or text, help will be provided.

Thanks for believing in me and for promoting me to Senior Warden. I’m proud and humble for this and I will represent Eola with respect and dignity wherever I go. 2023 is a key year for our hundred anniversary. I will not be able to do this task without your help. Keep in mind that everything we, as members of Eola, will be seen by other brothers and by our community.

Let us support our incoming Worshipful Master and make 2023 a great year and one to be remember by all. I cannot end this without giving thanks to our kitchen staff. Thank you W:. Judovits, Lady Sandy and our Stewards (Brother Luis and Brother Rick). They have done so much to make sure that the craft were fed this year. Please thank them for their hard work.


Brother José Elías Franco Marrero
Junior Warden
Eola #207 F.&A.M.

Greetings from my journey to the South,



First of all, let me begin by wishing all brothers and their families a Happy New Year! The past few years with you all has been a fulfilling phase of my search for further light in masonry, with the added benefit of fellowship with some of the greatest men I know.

Second, I want to thank the current Worshipful Master, H. Xavier Carrera, all of the past masters, as well as the officers and brothers who have provided support and advice along the way. My time as Senior Deacon has been one of great honor and has left me with newfound respect for what the SD position requires of a brother. As I continue my travels East I will continue to be open to all brothers advice as the knowledge, wisdom and support of our fellow brothers is what makes us EOLA strong!

And finally, I am truly honored to be elected as the next Junior Warden of this esteemed Lodge. As I take on this role, I am mindful of the responsibilities and duties that come with it, and I am committed to fulfilling them to the best of my ability. I look forward to supporting the Senior Warden in any way I can, and to work together with him and the rest of the lodge’s officers to ensure that our fraternity continues to thrive and grow.

Thank you again for the trust and confidence that all of the brothers have placed in me. I will do my best to live up to your expectations and to contribute to the success of this Lodge.

Fraternally yours,

Br. David Mole
Senior Deacon (Junior Warden Elect)
EOLA #207 F.&A.M.

“Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality.”  -George Washington

Latest Petitioner(s) received in our Lodge

Uprightness is a most to us. Feel free to contact us.

2021 Elected & Appointed Officers

Feel free to contact us anytime

H. Xavier Carrera

Worshipful Master

Br. Andy Alvin Jules

Senior Warden

Br. Jose Elias Franco

Junior Warden

W:. Samuel J。Glover


W:. Martin D Schwebel


W:. Imre ``Jim``Judovits


W:. Michael T. Rudd


Br. David Michael Mole

Senior Deacon

Br. Carlos Vieira

Junior Deacon

Br. Luis Capri Duprey

Senior Steward

Br. Rick Ream

Junior Steward

R.W. Keith Wesley Albright


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