Trestleboard December 2022

Chartered January 17th, 1924 A.D., 6924 A.L.

Greetings from the East,


I hope that all of you, your families and loved ones are well and getting ready for the Holiday season.

Please support Eola Lodge No. 207 during our next event, Pictures with Santa! This event will take place on Friday December 9, 2022, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Supporting this event means bringing your families, friends, and neighbors to take advantage of photos with one of the most authentic Santa’s in Orlando. On the other hand, it also means helping with the set-up, breakdown, and presenting ourselves to the community. We are looking for Brothers to “work the door”, welcoming guests, and proudly letting them know they’ve arrived at Eola Masonic Lodge. Dates and times for other Masonic events are listed below by our Brother Senior Warden. We are looking forward to seeing you for our next stated communication scheduled for December 6, 2022. Remember we are currently in election season for our officers

We’ve had a lot of fun during our last few meetings with some exciting and passionate competition during Masonic Trivia! Come and show your Masonic knowledge, while also learning something new!

Do you have any suggestions for events, or to improve our meetings? Please let us know!



∴ H. Xavier Carrera
Worshipful Master
Eola # 207 F.&A.M.

Greetings from the West,



At Eola No. 207, we are focused on creating and developing leaders. How can we help you become a better man?

Our stated communications will continue as scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the lodge secretary in order to ensure receipt of all communications. Thank you.

The first SC in December is election night for the 2023 elected positions. Come and meet the potential leadership of Eola No. 207 and voice your views and goals for 2023.

Installation has been set for 1/7/2022. 8 a.m. Breakfast. 9 a.m. Program. Past Masters are to wear white jackets. All other members wear suits and ties, if available. This will be quite the celebration, as family and fellowship is our focus.

Masters and Wardens will be held at South Seminole Lodge No. 364 on 12/17/2022. 8am Breakfast. 9am Meeting. Memorial Lodge to follow.

MLT is now a requirement to be a Master or Warden. All 15 Modules need to be completed before you are eligible to be nominated to the South. This also applies to Past Masters and Past DDGMs. Do not wait to support your lodge. The time is now.

Hirams Daylight Lodge is made for the masons who cannot attend nightly stated communications. They meet at South Seminole Lodge on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month @ 10:30 a.m. Address is 122 Triplet Lake Dr Casselberry, FL 32707.

Brother Jose Franco, current JW, is projected to become WM during our centennial year 2024. Please give him your support and ask how you can help him prepare for his year.

What can Freemasonry do for you? How would you like the craft to improve? We would love to hear from you. Come and share your thoughts in person.

We continue to guard the West as we continue our search for light.

Meet on the level.

Act by the Plumb.

Part on the Square.

With brotherly love and affection,


Andy Jules
Senior Warden
Worshipful Master Elect

Greetings from the South,



We have enter the last month of the year. Remember that the holidays are days to spend with your family. This might be blood related or people that you consider family as well. Have a blessed Christmas and stay safe. November was a month full of accidents and we have loss more brothers too. Let’s keep them in our thoughts as well as their families. We do not know when the time will come when we will be the ones grieving. Help one another and never forget that the true essence of our fraternity is brotherly love. Masonic funerals are an important part of our Masonic views and ideals so be prepare to make a brother’s last request come true.

This new month we will be having our Christmas event. Let’s show up and have a great time. You can be a guess or participate in any of the many task that need to be accomplished prior and after the event. The more hands help the better the result.


Br. Jose Franco
Junior Warden
Eola #207 F.&A.M.

Latest Petitioner(s) received in our Lodge

Uprightness is a most to us. Feel free to contact us.

2021 Elected & Appointed Officers

Feel free to contact us anytime

H. Xavier Carrera

Worshipful Master

Br. Andy Alvin Jules

Senior Warden

Br. Jose Elias Franco

Junior Warden

W:. Samuel J。Glover


W:. Martin D Schwebel


W:. Imre ``Jim``Judovits


W:. Michael T. Rudd


Br. David Michael Mole

Senior Deacon

Br. Carlos Vieira

Junior Deacon

Br. Luis Capri Duprey

Senior Steward

Br. Rick Ream

Junior Steward

R.W. Keith Wesley Albright


Our Sponsors

We appreciate your support

FlagWorld Incorporated
SoCal Smokeshop

Enquire now

Give us a call or submit a message, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 72 hours on business days.