Trestleboard April 2020

Chartered January 17th, 1924 A.D., 6924 A.L.

Greetings from the East,

I hope this message finds you all well, and prepared given the current state of events. To this point there has been no further word regarding the resuming of activities within the state surrounding Masonic events from the Grand Lodge, however this does provide a great opportunity to keep in touch with brothers, work on that ritual you’ve always wanted to master, take the lodge officer training course, or read up on something Masonic you’ve been curious about historically. We can always do something to improve ourselves in Masonry and with an estimated 10 hours back to our weeks with the current suspensions of activities you may wish to use them to do so.

So enough of that as it’s dominated the airwaves and many of our daily lives and on to the good news!

Eola saw some victories in the month of March we had some successful meetings to include a visiting brother from Sweden, a successful EA degree, as well as a successful fundraiser with our Adopt a precinct program.

The EA degree held on the 10th brought us 4 newly initiated brothers please extend congratulations to Carlos Vierra, Luis Duprey, Jordan Dailey, and Jorge Arroyo as the join the ranks as the youngest entered apprentices ! Additional thanks to the degree team and our Senior Deacon Br. Andy Jules for coordinating the proceedings, as well as now serving as their catechism instructor.

Our new brothers are off to a great start with their Masonic journey and will be mentored by W:. Brumley, Dickinson, Judovits and Williams who have kindly offered to serve and educate them in this capacity.  Eola is fortunate to have a great line of Past Masters who maintain an active role in the continuing development of the lodge, and I thank you all for the support and willingness to assist.

A week after the Ea degree Eola once again hosted the Adopt a precinct for the Presidential Preference Primary Elections for 2020 the first of 3 such events this year and it again proved to be a huge success with 100% staffing participation by our membership as well as rental of the building. W:. Sam Glover did an outstanding job once again as the Poll Clerk to coordinate and lead this effort, additional thanks to R.W. Keith Albright, W:. Les Williams, W:. Nelson Bonet, W:. Jim Judovits, and Br. Eric Davila for volunteering their time and efforts in this very important community service and fundraiser for Eola. We have 2 more opportunities this year for the project and I cannot encourage you enough to get involved and participate in this event it’s really an interesting experience and fun day.

In closing as we look to April things will likely be a bit leaner however progress is still being made and you may be surprised at the accomplishments come the next Tressleboard publication. The officers are communicating and working behind the scenes we are here for the craft so please do not hesitate to reach out should the need arise. In the meantime remember your obligations, and the various charges we have.

Take care and stay safe.



Br. Paul Rhoads

Worshipful Master

Eola # 207 F.&A.M.

Greetings from the West,

My Brothers March was a good month for our lodge, we had a great meeting with attendance and Thank you for that.

Also, we had a wonderful E.A. Degree on March 10th for our newly Initiated Brothers Carlos Vierra, Luis Duprey, Jordan Daily, and Jorge Arroyo to join our great fraternity. They will need help during their Masonic Journey, so f you see these new Brothers, lease introduce yourself as I’m sure they will to you too.

We also did the adopted a percent and I hear that we were at 100% participation and would like to thank all the Brother who came out and help during this, you know who you are.

And with this Covid-19 going on we all know that all masonic activities have been suspended until May 4th, but we the officers of Eola are still working for the craft, still moving forward to getting things done behind the scenes.  If any Brother needs to get ahold of me you can always email me at or call me 407-486-5867 .

Inclosing please be safe and we look you seeing all your smiling faces again, sooner rather than later.

Thank you,

Bro. Rocky Ruvola
Senior Warden

2020 Elected & Appointed Officers

Feel free to contact us anytime

Br. Paul Luther Rhoads

Worshipful Master

Br. Rocky Jack Ruvola

Senior Warden

Br. Hugo Xavier Carrera

Junior Warden

W:. Harry Gilbert Brumley III


W:. Martin D Schwebel


W:. Imre ``Jim``Judovits


W:. Nelson Bonet


Br. Andy Alvin Jules

Senior Deacon

Br. Alfredo Gabriel Soler

Junior Deacon

Br. Jose Elias Franco

Senior Steward

Br. David Michael Mole

Junior Steward

R.W. Keith Wesley Albright


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